Monday 22 December 2014

6th science Chapter:Fun with magnet

6th science Chapter:Fun with magnet 

(Q.) What happens when the north pole of a magnet is placed near the north pole of another
magnet?(1 Mark)
(Ans)Like poles repel each other while unlike poles attract each other. Hence , both the magnets will
repel each other in this case.
(Q.) It was observed that a pencil sharpener gets attracted by both the poles of a magnet,
although its body is made of plastic. Name a material that might have been used to make some
part of it. (1 Mark)
(Ans)Magnetic materials like iron or cobalt might have been used to make some part of the sharpener.
(Q.) What is magnet?(1 Mark)
(Ans)A material which shows attraction for iron, cobalt and nickel is called magnet. When susupended
freely, points in geographical north-south direction.
(Q.) Which magnet is used in electric bell?(1 Mark)
(Ans)In an electric bell, U- shaped electro-magnet is used.
(Q.) What is a natural magnet?(1 Mark)
(Ans)Natural Magnet: Naturally occurring substances having the characteristic properties as
(i) Attract the iron and some of its ores
(ii) After suspending freely, its ends always stay in north & south direction respectively. For example
:Loadstone , Iron, Nickle , cobalt etc.
(Q.) Is it possible for a magnet to have only one pole?(1 Mark)
(Ans)No, the magnet always consist of poles in pair (two poles) i.e. a north Pole and a south pole.
(Q.) In which direction a freely suspended magnet aligns itself?(1 Mark)
(Ans)A freely suspended magnet always aligns itself in the geographical north-south direction.2
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(Q.) Name two magnetic and two non magnetic materials.(2 Marks)
(Ans)The two magnetic materials are:-1. iron. 2. cobalt.
The two non-magnetic materials are:-1. leather.2. plastic.
(Q.) What is a temporary magnet? What material is used for this purpose?(2 Marks)
(Ans) If a magnet loses its property within a very short period of time then it is called as temporary
magnet. They are usually made up of soft iron.
(Q.) Give the properties of magnet?(2 Marks)
(Ans)The important properties of a magnet are given as follows:
1. They have directive property i.e. when suspended freely, a magnet always aligns itself in northsouth
2. They have attractive property i.e. a magnet attracts magnetic materials like iron.
(Q.) Define attractive and directive property of a magnet.(3 Marks)
(Ans)1) Attractive property: - A magnet has the property to attract some substances like iron, cobalt
and nickel when brought near it. This property of magnet is called as attractive property.
2) Directive property: - If we suspend a magnet freely in air then it always aligns itself in the geographic
north-south direction. This is called as directive property of a magnet.
(Q.) Why the earth behaves as a huge magnet?(3 Marks)
(Ans)Certain complex phenomenon inside the earth produce a magnetic effect, which makes the earth
behave like a huge bar magnet, with poles at its ends. The north pole of this imaginary magnet points
approximately towards geographical South Pole and its South Pole points approximately towards
geographical North Pole. That is why, north pole of a freely suspended magnet points north.

(Q.) Few iron nails and screws got mixed with the wooden shavings while a carpenter was
working with them. How can you help him in getting the nails and screws back from the scrap
without wasting his time in searching with his hands?(3 Marks)
(Ans) Nails and screws are made up of iron which are magnetic
materials whereas wooden shavings are non-magnetic materials. So we
can separate them from the scrap by the help of magnet. Since wooden
shavings would not be attracted by magnet while the nails and screws
will get stuck to the magnet.
(Q.) Where are the poles of bar magnet located? Suggest a method
to locate them.(5 Marks)
(Ans)The poles of the bar magnet are located at its two end points.
Place a magnet on paper and sprinkle some iron fillings on it. It observed that most of the iron fillings
get attracted towards the ends compared to the central portion indicating that the poles are located
towards the end of the magnet.
(Q.) How is a compass used to find directions? (5 Marks)
(Ans) When the magnet is suspended freely in air then it aligns itself in the geographic north-south
direction. We use this property of magnet in compass, which is used to give us direction at a particular
The central part of the compass is a magnetized needle which is placed above a nail. Since the needle
is magnetic in nature and can move freely in all direction, due to property of the magnet it aligns itself
in the north south direction, showing us the north-south direction. The north pole of the compass is
generally painted red so that we may distinguish between north pole and south pole.


I. Fill in the blanks:
1. A freely suspended _______________ always points in the north-south direction.
2. Similar poles of two magnets always ______________ each other.
3. Bar magnet is an example of ______________ magnet.
4. A magnetic ______________ is used for finding geographic direction.
5. _______________is the surest test of magnetism.
6. A material which attracts pieces of iron or steel is called ____________________.
7. _______________________ is the world’s first magnet.
8. Electronics devices get damaged by _________________________.
9. The substances which are strongly attracted by a magnet are called _____ substances.
10. The two main important properties of a magnet are its______ property and its ____
II. Write true of false in front of the statements given below:
1. Bar magnet is more powerful than natural magnet.
2. Magnetic poles always exist in pairs.
3. Magnetic attraction is maximum in the middle of a bar magnet.
4. Magnetic Compass is used for finding magnetic directions.
5. Small pieces of wood are attracted by a strong magnet.
6. A magnet can separate iron nails from a mixture of iron filings and iron nails.
7. Mixture of ferric oxide & barium oxide is called ferrite.
8. A freely floating magnet always points in North – South direction.
9. Aluminium is an example for magnetic substances.
10. Pieces of iron keeping on both ends of magnet are called magnetic keepers.
11. Magnetic attraction is maximum at the poles of a magnet.
(III). Name the following:-
a) Name the substances from which artificial magnets are made.
b) Name two poles of a magnet.
c) Name the method to magnetize a piece of iron.
d) Force felt when two unlike poles of magnet are bring closer to each other
e) Magnet that retain magnetism for short period of time
f) Name given to U shaped magnet
g) Force felt when two unlike poles of magnet are bring closer to each other
(IV) . Answer these questions
1. Define: Magnetic compass
2. Distinguish between (i) Magnetic & non magnetic substances (ii) Temporary and
permanent magnet
3. What would happen to a pole of magnet if we go on breaking it into pieces?
4. Write any three uses of magnet?


Class 6th Magnetism
Q1. Define : Magnetic induction , keepers , Magnetic field , Magnetic line of force ,
Answer any five
Q1. How can you test if given piece of magnetic material is a magnet?
Q2. Why does a freely suspended magnet point in north – south directions
Q3. What will happen if we go on breaking magnet?
Q4. Distinguish between single touch and double touch method of making magnet
Q5. Why are magnetic keeper are used to store magnet ?
Q6. we should always take precaution while handling magnet not to drop why
Q7. Fill in the blanks
a) Iron and nickel are .............material while copper and aluminium are ............
b) Like poles ............. while unlike pole ..................... each other.
c) The magnetic strength of magnet concentrated at.................
d) ------------ is based on property of magnet and use to find direction
e) The Earth behave like a huge bar magnet with its magnetic north pole near the
geometrical........... Pole.

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