Thursday 11 December 2014


The following list shows most commonly used symbols in biology and their meaning arranged in a alphabetical manner. 
  • A is a biology symbol for Androecium
  • Abiolgy-symbols
  • ABA 
    Abscisic acid
  • ATP
    Adenosine triphosphate
  • Aa Heterozygous dominant
  • AAAA 
  • AABB Allotetraploid
  • Angstrom ( = 0.0001 of a micron)
  • ADP  is a biological symbol for Adenosine diphosphate
  • ADA 
    Adenosine deaminase
  • AIDS
    Acquired immuno deficiency syndrome
  • AMP Adenosine mono phosphate
  • 1 Atmosphere
    76.00 cm of Hg=1.Olx 1O Pa.
  • ANS Autonomic Nervous system
  • ACT 
    Acoustic test facility
  • ACTH 
    Adreno cortico trophic hormone
  • 5 Bro
    5 Bromo uracil
  • Br
    Bracteate flower.Bacteriophage
  • Corolla
  • 1 dyne 105N
  • CDP 
    Cytosine diphosphate
  • CTP 
    Cytosine triphosphate
  • Cyt Cytochrome
  • Cp Compare
  • CMP
    Cytosine monophosphate
  • CVA Cerebrovascular accident
  • CoA 
    Coenzyme A

  • Cystosine
  • COD Chemical Oxygen demand
  • CIFRI Central inland fisheries research institute
  • DNP Deoxyribo nucleoproteins.

  • DPD 
    Diffusion pressure deficit
  • DPT 
    Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus Vaccinedpt-vaccine
  • DNA Deoxyribose nucleic acid
  • DPN Diphosphopyridine nucleotide
  • EPR 
    Electro paramagnetic resonance
  • ECG Electro cardiograph
  • EEG Electro encephalograph
  • Ebr Ebracteate
  • ELISA Enzyme linked Immuno Sorbant
  • Epi Presence of epicalyx
  • ETS 
    Energy transfer system
  • ER Endoplasmic reticulum
  • EM
    Electron microscope
  • FSH 
    Follicle stimulating hormone
  • FAD
    Flavin adenine dinucleotide
  • FMN
    Flavin mono nucleotide
  • FADH2
    Flavin idenine dinucleotide (reduced)
  • GMP
    Guanosine monophosphate
  • GMF
    Genetically Modified Foad
  • GMO
    Genetically modified Organisms
  • GA Gibberellic acid

  • Guanine
  • GH Growth hormone
  • GTH 
    Gonadotrophic hormone
    Human cell leukaemia virus III
  • HIV
    Human immuno deficiency virus
  • ICSH Interstitial cells stimulating hormone
  • IAA Indole—3— acetic acid
  • ICRAF 
    International council for research in Agroforest
  • 1 Newton
    1 x 1O dynes
  • LH 
    Luteinising hormone
  • mRNA Messenger Ribose Nucleic acid
  • 1 microgram
    10-6 gm
  • 1 microlitre (ml)
    1O_6 litre
  • 1 Micrometre (mm) -lOm
  • MET 
  • MSH 
    Melanocyte stimulating hormone
  • NMRI
    Nuclear magnetic Resonance Imaging
  • NAD
    Nicotinamide adeninedinucleotide
  • NADH2 
    Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (reduced)
  • NAA Naphthalene acetic acid.

  • Nanometre
  • oc 
    Oral Contraceptive
  • oPv Oral Police Vaccine
  • PEPA 
    Phosphoenol pyruvic acid
  • Pstd Pistillode
  • PSI’ 
    Pigment system II
  • PAN 
    Peroxyacyl nitrate
  • PEM 
    Protein energy malnutrition
  • PPi 
    Inorganic Pyrophosphate

  • Perianth
  • PGA Phosphoglyceric acid
  • PKU 
  • PS-I
    Pigment system
  • PIH 
    Protein inhibiting hormone
  • PPLO Pleuro pneumonia-like organisms
  • RH 
    Releasing hormone
  • RG 
    Regulator gene
  • RPF 
    Rehal Plasma flow
    Ribulose biophosphate

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