Monday 22 December 2014

Class-6 The Natural Resources Water ============SCIENCE


The Natural Resources Water
 I. Answer these questions
1. What are natural resources? What are its types? Give two example of
2. Minerals are classified as non –renewable resources why.
3. What do you understand by term conservations of natural resources?
4. In what ways does water serves to sustain life
5. How does rainfall related to (a) Drought and (b)floods
6. What are the consequences of flood and drought in an area?
7. Define water pollution? What are its causes? Explain Water harvesting
8. What is atmosphere? What are the properties of Air
9. What are the compositions of air? Write uses of different gases present in
10. Why mountain climbers carry oxygen?
11. How can you test presence of co2
in air?
12. How can you show that air is needed for burning?
 II. Fill in the blanks
1. Natural water that is not salty -----
2. The waste liquid material that pour out of a factory ---------------
3. Natural water that is salty---------------------
4. Lakes are (surface /underground) water. Tick correct one
5. Those resources that cannot be used up are called ---------------

Class-VI FM=50
1. Fill in the blanks (1x5=5)
(a) Hibernation is an adaptation for escaping ---- weather
(b) --- water is the type of terrestrial habitat(frees)
(c) ------- organism helps to maintain a constant level of oxygen in air
(d) Plants with fleshy stem that store water are called -------
(e) ------ is one word for hiding by merging with the surrounding
2. Fill ion the blanks (1x5=5)
(a) A quantity that can be measured is called what?
(b) In which year did we starts using metric system of measurement
(c) What kind of motion the earth have on its axis
(d) When does solar eclipse occur
(e) Name the component of circuit that is used to stop or open the flow of circuit
3. Answer these question (any 8 questions) (5x8=40)
1) Why is (a) Electricity flow in open circuit? (b) Electric wire covered with plastic?
2) What is solar cell? Give two use of solar cell?
3) Draw an electric circuit in which a cell is used to light a bulb, which don’t have switch?
4) Why freely suspended magnet point in North and South direction?
5) Why magnetic keepers are used to store magnet. List three use of magnet?
6) Explain water cycle and Hydrogen cycle
7) Why it is considered unhealthy to breadth through the mouth?
8) How does atmosphere help to maintain temperature on the earth?
9) Give the step by step method you will adapt to test a given magnetic material is a magnet?
10) Why we don’t measure all length in just on slandered unit of length

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