Monday 22 December 2014

class 6 maths

Q1. How many lakhs make 1 million?
Q2. How many millions make 1 crore?
Q3. Find the difference between the number 5431 and the number obtained by reversing the digits.
Q4. Write all the three-digit numbers using 5, 6, 4 taking each digit only once. Also find out the difference
between the smallest and the largest number. Write all the numbers in descending order.
Q5. Insert commas and write 507340012 in words according to the Indian system of Numeration.
Q6. Insert commas and write 397051008 in words according to the International System of Numeration.
Q7. Write 540803015 in expanded form.
Q8. Give the greatest seven-digit number and the smallest seven-digit number, using digits 9, 8, 7 & 6.
Also find out difference between the two numbers.
Q9. Estimate :-
a) 124 + 369 to the nearest ten. b) 4396 x 49 c) 8325 – 491
Q10. Write the following in Roman numerals :-
 a) 84 b) 99 c) 197 d) 247
Q11. Find the difference between the largest number of six-digits and the largest number of four digits.
Q12. In 2005, the population of a town was 32,12,417. Next year it was increased by 19,98,515. What is
the total population of the town after the increase of 2006?
Q13. If 73 workers earned Rs. 1062880 in one month, then find the monthly earning of each worker.Q14.
There are 70 students in a class, of which 37 play cricket , 12 play hockey & the rest play neither hockey
nor cricket. How many students are there who do not play either hockey or cricket?
Q15. Amit deposited Rs. 2050 on Monday, withdrew Rs. 1505 on Wednesday and again deposited Rs.
405 on Friday in his bank account. How much money does he have now in his bank account?
Q16. To the difference of 13759 & 720, add 45230, what is your answer?
Q17. Each student of a school donated Rs. 35 towards Flood Relief Fund. Find the total amount donated if
the strength of the school is 943. Also estimate the total amount in the nearest ten thousands.Downloaded from:
Q18. An election was contested by Rohit & Jacob. Rohit got 1255705 votes & Jacob got 1803928 votes.
Who won the election & by what margin?
Q19. A bookstore sold books worth Rs. 1285891 in the first week & books worth Rs. 180076 in the second
week of March. How much was the sale together for the two weeks? In which week was the sale greater
& by how much?
Q20. Ranjan has 1200 mango trees in his gardens. In one year, he estimated that 720 mangoes were
produced by each tree.
He packed 500 mangoes in each box. How many boxes did he use for packing all the mangoes? If he
loaded 432 boxes in a truck, how many trucks did he hire?
Q21. A shopkeeper has Rs. 1100000 with him. He placed an order for 45 refrigerators at Rs. 22835 each.
How much money will be left with him after the purchase?
Q22. Some packets each weighing 4 kg 600g are to be transported. What is the maximum number of such
packets that can be loaded in a truck which cannot carry beyond 900 kg?
Answers Ans. 1 10 lakhs Ans. 2 10 millions Ans. 3 difference : 198
Ans. 4 Descending order: 654, 645, 564, 546, 465, 456
Ans. 5 50, 73, 40, 012 Fifty crore seventy three lakh forty thousand twelve
Ans. 6 397,051,008 Three hundred ninety seven million fifty thousand eight
Ans. 7 540803015 = = 5x10 18 +4x107
Ans. 8 Greatest 7 digit no. = 9999876 Smallest 7 digit no. = 6666789 Difference = 3333087
Ans. 9 a) 490 b) 200000 c) 7800Ans.
10 a) 84 = LXXXIV b) 99 = XCIX c) 197 = CXCVII d) 247 = CCXLVII
Ans. 11 999999 – 9999 = 990000 Ans. 12 5210932 Ans. 13 Rs. 14560
Ans. 14 21 students Ans. 15 Rs. 950 Ans. 16 58269
Ans. 17 Total amount = Rs. 33005, Estimation = Rs. 30000 Ans. 18 Jacob, Margin = 548223 votes
Ans. 19 Total = Rs. 1465967. Sale is greater in first week. Difference = Rs. 1105815
Ans. 20 Boxes =1728 Trucks = 4 Ans. 21 Rs. 72425 Ans. 22 195 packets


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